Australia - War years: 1939-1957.
Ordinary rate delivery envelopes: AW-EO-15

General characteristics:

Heading and notes: Form number T.G. 65.
TELEGRAM is centered.
Message area: One slogan for a
Reverse side: Two slogans.
Colours (text & envelope): Very dark blue on drab-brown paper.
Size of envelope overall: 80 × 136 mm.
Distinctive characteristics of this form:
 An unusual delivery envelope - possibly used - but no details can be gleaned about possible printing date - except it is probably during 1947. At that stage, printing of window envelopes was severely curtailed. Sometime later, in September 1949, the Post Office Monthly Circular noted:

"1. Window-faced Telegram Envelopes - Owing to the shortage of labour and in consequence of the present power and gas restrictions, considerable difficulty has been experienced in securing sufficient supplies of window-faced telegram envelopes.

Officers are informed that the most rigid economy is necessary with the use of these envelopes with the object of conserving supplies.
(G.B. 49/2364)".

EO-15 AW-EO-15.

Window delivery envelope.


  • borderless window;
  • unlined and no security pattern;
  • standard three slogans - one on the front and two on reverse.
EO-15 rev Reverse side of above delivery envelope.


  • rounded flap with curved edges;
  • standard two slogans.


Details of use and rarity.

Schedule number Earliest recorded date Rarity rating
EO-15 None 10 October 1955 at Gascoyne Junction, WA. RR